October 19th, 2024
by Seth Adgate
by Seth Adgate
Rejecting Pride
Scripture Reading: James 4:6-10
Devotional: Pride blinds us to our need for God and others. When we humble ourselves, we open the door to God’s grace and transformation, allowing Him to mold us into who we are meant to be.
Study Points:
God’s grace is abundant towards the humble.
Submission to God involves active resistance to pride and evil.
Humility fosters a closer relationship with God.
Identify pride in your life and actively surrender it to God in prayer.
Practice gratitude as a way to combat pride and foster humility.
Reflection Questions:
How does pride manifest in your thoughts and actions?
What changes when you consciously choose humility over pride?
Devotional: Pride blinds us to our need for God and others. When we humble ourselves, we open the door to God’s grace and transformation, allowing Him to mold us into who we are meant to be.
Study Points:
God’s grace is abundant towards the humble.
Submission to God involves active resistance to pride and evil.
Humility fosters a closer relationship with God.
Identify pride in your life and actively surrender it to God in prayer.
Practice gratitude as a way to combat pride and foster humility.
Reflection Questions:
How does pride manifest in your thoughts and actions?
What changes when you consciously choose humility over pride?
God’s Voice & IdentityUnderstanding True HumilityEmbracing Your GiftsServing Others as Jesus ServedRejecting PrideLiving in Dependence on GodUnderstanding CommunicationThe Origin of CommunicationGod Speaks to UsBarriers to Effective CommunicationSharing Your TestimonyUnderstanding FeedbackThe Role of Humility in CommunicationAddressing Fear and InsecurityThe Power of Love
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