October 16th, 2024
by Seth Adgate
by Seth Adgate
Understanding True Humility
Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:3-8
Humility begins with recognizing the greatness of God and our place before Him. It is not about thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less, prioritizing others' needs and seeking to serve as Christ did.
Study Points:
Christ’s ultimate act of humility was His incarnation and sacrifice.
Humility involves setting aside personal rights for others’ benefit.
True humility is imitating Christ’s servant leadership.
Identify one way you can put aside your needs to serve someone today.
Consider a situation where you can practice listening and valuing another's perspective.
Reflection Questions:
How can Christ's example of humility inspire your actions and thoughts?
What practical steps can you take to elevate others above yourself today?
Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:3-8
Humility begins with recognizing the greatness of God and our place before Him. It is not about thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less, prioritizing others' needs and seeking to serve as Christ did.
Study Points:
Christ’s ultimate act of humility was His incarnation and sacrifice.
Humility involves setting aside personal rights for others’ benefit.
True humility is imitating Christ’s servant leadership.
Identify one way you can put aside your needs to serve someone today.
Consider a situation where you can practice listening and valuing another's perspective.
Reflection Questions:
How can Christ's example of humility inspire your actions and thoughts?
What practical steps can you take to elevate others above yourself today?
Posted in Sermon Devotionals
God’s Voice & IdentityUnderstanding True HumilityEmbracing Your GiftsServing Others as Jesus ServedRejecting PrideLiving in Dependence on GodUnderstanding CommunicationThe Origin of CommunicationGod Speaks to UsBarriers to Effective CommunicationSharing Your TestimonyUnderstanding FeedbackThe Role of Humility in CommunicationAddressing Fear and InsecurityThe Power of Love
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