Paul's Authority and the True Gospel

Paul's Authority and the True Gospel

Scripture Reading: Galatians 1:11-24
Devotional: Paul continues by explaining his direct revelation from Christ, asserting that the gospel he preaches is not manmade. His transformation from persecutor to apostle serves as a powerful testimony to the gospel's authenticity and transformative power.

Study Points:
  • Examine Paul's former life and his conversion story (verses 13-16).
  • Discuss the significance of Paul's journey to see the other apostles.
  • Understand Paul's emphasis on divine revelation over human tradition.

Application: Identify areas in your life where tradition might overshadow revelation. Seek fresh encounters with God that clarify His gospel to you.

Reflection Questions:
  1. What elements of my personal testimony affirm the gospel's transformative power?
  2. How can I seek divine revelation in my spiritual journey?
  3. How does Paul's transformation inspire confidence in the gospel's ability to change lives?

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