Vision Casting

Below you will find past meeting and documents as you begin to dive into the new vision of Movement Church.
Our prayer is that you will continually seek the Lord in all that you are doing and bring unity to this unique body.


01. Culture Overview

In session one Pastors Seth and Lori give a broad perspective on the new vision and accompanying CULTURE. To follow along you will need to download the CULTURE document below

02. Standards of Leadership

In session two Pastors Seth and Lori dive deep into the Standards of Leadership as well as a quick overview on the Connect with God document.  Both documents can be found below.

03. Generational Vision

In session three Pastors Seth and Lori talk generational vision. There are 11 things they believe God has placed in their hearts and might not see until generations later.  Accompanying their session, they had everyone take a Spiritual Gifts Assessment that needs to be emailed back to the office. Details of where to email assessment are located inside the downloadable Spiritual Gifts Assessment document.
